Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Can't we all just get along?!

Maybe my expectations are too high, or I am overly sensitive right now, but I have seen an outrageous amount of rudeness recently. Do people not have manners anymore? Did no one else have a Mother that made them have "Princess Lessons" where you learn basic manners? (Thank you Mom!) It seems to me that people have forgotten what it means to be polite and respectful and I think that is very sad.

Let's all make a conscious effort to be polite.
Let's all say 'please' and 'thank you'.
Let's hold the door open for the person behind us.
Let's let the car trying to get out of a parking lot ahead of us.
Let's give up our first row parking spot to the elderly couple, pregnant woman, woman with small children.
Let's take our time and smile when we are out instead of rushing around and snarling at each other.

Can you image what a difference it would make if everyone was just nice?

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